a D&D and Golf blog for litmk

Wednesday Golf with Noid, Miggus, and Jiggy

We played golf on Wednesday this week. This time Noid, Miggus, and Jiggy joined. We didn’t have time to finish the last hole so it’s the average of the eight before it. hole yardage litmk Noid Mig Jigggy 1 126 3 8 8 9 2 72 4 9b 6 8 3 145 8 9 7 8 4 99 6 9b 5 7 5 121 9b 7 3 7 6 91 7 5 6 3 7 134 5 7 6 9b 8 61 9 4 5 4 9 94 6 7 6 7 Total 57 65 52 62 …
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Thursday Golf with Noid, Bleeb, Miggus, and Jiggy

We played golf on Thursday, as we do. This time Noid, Bleeb, Miggus, and Jiggy joined. These are the scores. hole yardage litmk Noid Bleeb Mig Jigggy 1 126 6 5 5 5 8 2 72 4 6 3 8 7 3 145 9 7 5 7 8 4 99 9 9 5 7 9 5 121 9 9 6 4 6 6 91 8 4 2 5 6 7 134 7 8 7 5 9 8 61 8 4 5 9 5 9 94 5 5 4 6 9 Total 65 57 42 56 67 …
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Saturday Golf with Noid, and E

We tried playing a round of golf on Saturday morning, but it was a bit crowded. Might stick to Thursdays only. This time Noid and E joined. These are the scores. We didnt’ keep track of E’s strokes. First time golfer. And this is before we settled on a 9 mercy. hole yardage litmk Noid 1 126 6 7 2 72 6 7 3 145 6 8 4 99 10 7 5 121 10 10 6 91 10 10 7 134 7 6 8 61 10 6 9 94 4 5 Total 69 66 …
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Thursday Golf with Noid and Serge

Noonie, Serge, and I played golf on Thursday, as we do. These are the scores. hole yardage litmk Noid Serge 1 126 7 6 6 2 72 9 7 3 3 145 6 4 4 4 99 6 7 6 5 121 7 7 8 6 91 8 7 3 7 134 3 8 5 8 61 7 6 4 9 94 4 5 4 Total 57 57 43 …
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100 Science Fiction Films

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Blade Runner Alien 2001: A Space Odyssey Terminator 2: Judgment Day Inception The Matrix Metropolis Star Wars The Thing (1982) Jurassic Park Aliens E.T. The Extra Terrestrial District 9 A Clockwork Orange The Planet Of The Apes Close Encounters of The Third Kind Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Moon Sunshine Donnie Darko 12 Monkeys Brazil Looper Children Of Men Back to The Future A.…
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invisibleClown.com is back! This time it’s gonna stay up, and this is a picture of our friend, Jiggadiah “Jiggy” Johnston.…
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D&D with Noid, Bleeb, Mig, and Flim

We played D&D on Friday night. We’re doing the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaing to get our feet wet. The below video takes place in the Redbrand Hideout. The program we’re using is called Talespire. Featuring: litmk as the Dungeon Master Noid as Zach Miller Bleeb as Gibbish Fandango Mig as Bartollo Mossimo Flim as JUC Ov’Brimming …
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